

03.18.10, originally uploaded by kyria!.
I drive past this place every day and finally today, now that we changed our clocks, the light was perfect. I had a hard time deciding which picture to put up for today, because a really cool part of this building are the windows. You can see my number two pic here.


  1. very cool building -- and i love the blue on blue. and a tough call between the two photos. hmmm...now if you only had a wide-angle lens.... i think someone has a birthday coming up soon. drop hints to mr. lovely?

  2. Ha! I think that was my Birthday/Christmas/Valentine's day present for the next....4 years.

  3. Lovely angle, good choice!

  4. Yes - tough choice, with a slight edge going to #1 - it's got more of the very nice blue on the windows.

  5. ... late at night (here) - I meant the blue on the wall with the sign


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