

little hat, originally uploaded by kyria!.
Taken on a walk through the woods near my parents house.
Dec 2010.

Last year, I posted 184 out of 365 photos, roughly half. This year, as I know I will have the same situation with the internet (sometimes I can't always get online), I have decided to do more of a 52 week project OR a whenever-I-find-a-nice-photo project.

Remember, I will also be more regularly posting photos and tales of my adventures on my main blog, so come and check it out from time to time as well!

Happy New Year to everyone and good luck with all your 2011 projects, whatever form they may take!


  1. Sounds like a good plan. I love to see pictures! Do you like photography? Have you studied it at all.

    Also, thanks for finding my blog and showing interest in my Bookmark Break Challenge. I really hope you decide to join. Just ahve fun with it!! I estimate that I read 26 books last year for pleasure and for class. But don't think about the end result, just how much fun the journey will be!!!

    Let me know for sure if you will be joining ot not. Any time really if you wan to think about it a bit more. Just keep track of the books you read in the mean time :)

    AubrieAnne @ http://whosyoureditor.blogspot.com/

  2. Oh! I am now following too!

  3. Sorry for all the comments. I just forget to mention that if you are completely in for the Bookmark Break Challenge, let me know for sure here in the comments...http://whosyoureditor.blogspot.com/2011/01/wyes-bookmark-break-challenge-2011.html

    Also, please leave me a link to the blog you are going to put your list on so I can follow it and see your list. I just saw that you are hosting more blogs than this one and I wasn't sure.

    Thanks a ton and Happy New Year!


Please comment. Good or bad, it is nice to know what everyone thinks. And thanks for following and commenting -- you guys really make my day!